Volunteer Opportunities
At United Way of Central Virginia, volunteers are essential to our success! We rely heavily on individuals who generously donate their time. From assisting with events and drives to supporting fundraisers, our organization is always on the lookout for willing volunteers. See our list of current and upcoming volunteer opportunities below!
Upcoming Events in Need of Volunteers:

Williams Golf Tournament
We're looking for volunteers to assist with the Williams Golf Tournament! Duties include helping with registration, setting up equipment, running course contests, and more!

Hill City Slide
United Way of Central Virginia needs volunteers to assist with the Hill City Slide event!

31st Annual Day of Caring
Are you a local business looking to get your staff engaged in the community? Are you a solo volunteer looking to help support local non-profits? Day of Caring, Central VA's largest coordinated volunteer events, is celebrating its 31st Anniversary on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024!

4th Annual United Way 5K on the Runway
We are in need of about 80 volunteers over the course of two days for numerous tasks relating to the 5K. With duties varying from packet pickup to course marshals to setup/teardown, we need your help!
Other Opportunities:
Currently, we do not have any ongoing projects that require volunteer assistance. We appreciate your interest, and we encourage you to revisit our site for future updates.